Each network shows bill cosponsorships in the Bulgarian Parliament.
All networks are directed graphs drawn with the Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm.
The ties connect the first author of each bill to the cosponsors of that bill.
The nodes are sized by unweighted total degree.
When two nodes belong to the same group, any existing tie between them is given the color of that group.
There is a guide to party codes and colors at the end of this page.
See the interactive visualization, or view other countries.
L. 40 (2005–2009)
L. 41 (2009–2013)
L. 42 (2013–2014)
L. 43 (2014–)
Party groups
- KB
- Коалиция за България (Coalition for Bulgaria/Bulgaria Leftist Bloc), red
- Национално движение Симеон Втори (National Movement Simeon the Second), yellow (2005–2009 only)
- Движение за права и свободи (Movement for Rights and Freedoms), light blue
- A
- Атака (Ataka), brown
- Български Народен Съюз (Bulgarian People's Union), orange
- Обединени Демократични Сили (United Democratic Forces, 2005 election), light purple
- ГЕРБ (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria), purple
- България без цензура (Bulgaria Without Censorship), yellow (2014 only)
- RB
- Реформаторски блок (Reformist Bloc), dark blue (2014 only)
- SK
- Синята коалиция (Blue Coalition), blue
- Демократи за Силна България (Democrats for Strong Bulgaria), dark blue (2005–2009 only)
- PF
- Патриотичен фронт (Patriotic Front), teal (2014 only)
- Ред, законност и справедливост (Order, Lawfulness, Justice), light orange
- Independents, light grey (not used)