The data cover the 7th term (2009—2014) and come from Parltrack (May 24, 2014).
All networks are undirected graphs drawn with the Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm. The nodes are sized by weighted degree, using weights that are proportional to the number of bills cosponsored and inversely proportional to the number of sponsors on each bill (see Newman 2001 and Fowler 2006). When two or more nodes belong to the same group, any existing tie(s) between them is given the color of that group. There is a guide to party codes and colors at the end of this page.
See the interactive visualization, or view other countries.
Constitutional Affairs
Foreign Affairs
Agriculture and Rural Development
Budgetary Control
Financial, Economic and Social Crisis
Culture and Education
Economic and Monetary Affairs
Employment and Social Affairs
Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Women's Rights and Gender Equality
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
International Trade
Industry, Research and Energy
Legal Affairs
Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
Regional Development
Policy Challenges
Transport and Tourism