igraph 2.0.0

The igraph R package has reached version 2.0.0.

The igraph package is based on a C library, which is now fully available under the newer versions of the package:

This major release brings development in line with the igraph C library. Version 1.6.0 of the R package used version 0.9.10 of the C core. The changes in the 0.10 series of the C core are now taken up in version 2.0 of the R package.

There are a few breaking changes, but not that many.

A lot of work has been done upstream to have the authors of packages that use igraph to update their own code if needed. Thanks to the help of Kirill Müller, I recently updated my own ggnetwork package to that effect.

The igraph package has arguably the same stature in the R software ecology as the networkx package has in the Python software ecology. It is great news for the R community that it has made such progress in the recent months/years.

  • First published on June 13th, 2024