Legislative networks

The networks discussed in the papers below are presented in this blog post and are also available as static plots and interactive visualizations.

Network Patterns of Legislative Collaboration in Twenty Parliaments
Published in Network Science, 2016.
First presented at the Open Legislative Data in Paris II conference, Sciences Po, Paris, 2014.
Additional material: appendix, code and data, preprint.
Les réseaux de cosignatures législatives de quinze parlements européens
Published in Le réseau. Usages d'une notion polysémique en sciences humaines et sociales, 2016.
First presented at the Ferney-Voltaire Summer School on Networks, Ferney-Voltaire, 2014.
Additional material: appendix, code and data.

French politics

Recent publications in that section are outputs of the PELICAN 2020 and PEOPLE 2022 research projects, which focus on French (local and national) elections.

‘Variables lourdes’ et effets de voisinage. Retours sur une enquête à la sortie des urnes à Roubaix
Co-authored with Tristan Haute et al.
Published in Revue française de science politique, 2024.
Research project: PEOPLE 2022.
‘C‘est quand qu‘on va où ?’ Indécision et moment du choix de vote en 2022
Co-authored with Camille Kelbel.
Published in Vincent Tiberj et al. (eds), Citoyens et partis après 2022, 2024.
Research project: PEOPLE 2022.
Additional material: replication code.
Présidentielle 2022 à Roubaix : les déterminants sociaux du vote populaire ont-ils vraiment changé ?
Co-authored with the PEOPLE 2022 research collective.
Published in Métropolitiques, 2022.
Research project: PEOPLE 2022.
Les citoyens actifs sur Internet sont-ils politiquement plus radicaux ?
Co-authored with Marie Neihouser, Giulia Sandri, Felix-Christopher von Nostitz and Tristan Haute.
Published in The Conversation and Poliverse, 2022.
Research project: PEOPLE 2022.
Down with Covid. Patterns of Electoral Turnout in the 2020 French Local Elections
Co-authored with Tristan Haute , Camille Kelbel and Giulia Sandri.
Published in the Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, 2021.
Research project: PELICAN 2020.
France held elections under coronavirus. Here are four takeaways.
Co-authored with Marie Neihouser and Camille Kelbel.
Published in The Monkey Cage (The Washington Post), 2020.
Research project: PELICAN 2020.
Élections municipales : ce que révèle l’analyse du premier tour de mars 2020
Co-authored with Marie Neihouser and Camille Kelbel.
Published in The Conversation, 2020.
Research project: PELICAN 2020.
Au Nord, c’était les barons : évolution des forces politiques dans les Hauts-de-France à l’aune du premier tour du scrutin municipal de 2020
Co-authored with Camille Kelbel, Marie Neihouser, Giulia Sandri and Felix-Christopher von Nostitz.
Published in Terrains de campagne (Le Monde), 2020.
Research project: PELICAN 2020.
Recovering the French Party Space from Twitter Data
Co-authored with Ewen Gallic.
Presented at the Science Po Quanti conference, Sciences Po, Paris, 2015.
Additional material: appendix, replication code.

Health policy

Les logiques politiques de l’ouverture des données de santé en France
Co-authored with Samuel Goëta.
Published in Statistique et Société, 2014.
The Politics of European Public Health Data
Published in Scott L. Greer and Paulette Kurzer (eds), European Union Public Health Policy, 2012.
Quand la biopolitique change les politiques : survie au cancer et réforme du système de santé en Angleterre
Presented at the Congress of the French Political Science Association, Strasbourg, 2011.
Additional material: code, data and paper.
Les formes contemporaines de la biopolitique
Co-authored with Thibault Bossy.
Published in Revue internationale de politique comparée, 2011.
First assembled as a conference panel co-organised with Thibault Bossy at the Congress of the French Political Science Association, Grenoble, 2009.
The Europeanization of Health System Performance. The EUROCARE study and Cancer Control in England
Presented at the International Conference of the Council for European Studies, Montreal, 2010, and at the ESPANET Annual Conference, Budapest, 2010.
Institutionnalisation et médiatisation d’une prise de parole collective chez les malades atteints de cancer : les ‘États généraux’ de la Ligue nationale contre le cancer
Co-authored with Sandrine Knobé.
Published in Hélène Romeyer (ed.), La santé dans l’espace public, 2010.
A Case of Weak Architecture: The French Ministry of Health
Published in Social Policy & Administration, 2010.
(Making European Health Policy in) France
Co-authored with Scott L. Greer.
Published in Scott L. Greer, The Politics of European Union Health Policies, 2009.
Quelle réforme du système de santé aux États-Unis ?
Published in Le Mensuel de l’Université, 2009.
Media: radio interview with France Info, 2010.
L’histoire politique des inégalités de santé en France et en Angleterre
Published in Chantiers politiques, 2009.
The Principles and Politics of Cancer Care in England
Presented at the ESPANET Annual Conference, Helsinki, 2008.

Disclosure of interest: in 2006 and 2009, I signed two petitions opposing the DADVSI and HADOPI copyright reform bills in my own name.

Artistes, lobbyistes et pirates : l’opposition de plaidoyers professionnels et activistes autour du droit d’auteur sur Internet en France, 2005-2010
Co-authored with Pierre Gueydier.
Presented at the Congress of the French Political Science Association, Paris, 2013.
Additional material: code, data and paper (updated June 2014).
Digital Protest Skills and Online Activism Against Copyright Reform in France and the European Union
Co-authored with Yana Breindl.
Published in Policy & Internet, 2013.
First presented at the Internet, Politics, Policy 2010: An Impact Assessment conference, Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford, 2010.
Additional material: blog post, presentation slides, network slides.
Activisme sur Internet et discours stratégiques autour de la propriété intellectuelle
Co-authored with Yana Breindl.
Published in Terminal, 2009.


Do (Too Many) Elections Depress Participation? How the Position, Frequency and Nature of Domestic Ballots Affect Turnout in European Parliament Elections
Co-authored with Camille Kelbel and Julien Navarro.
Published in European Union Politics, 2024.
Research project: RECONNECT.
Additional material: appendix, code and data.
Network Visualization with ggplot2
Co-authored with Samantha C. Tyner and Heike Hofmann.
Published in The R Journal, 2017.
Additional material: code and source files.
Related projects: geomnet, ggnet, ggnetwork.
Religion et violence dans les unes de Charlie Hebdo : une perspective relationnelle
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the French Sociological Association, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, 2015.
Additional material: code and data.
Teaching R to Social Science Undergraduates
Co-authored with Ivaylo Petev.
Presented at the Rencontres R, Lyon, 2013.
Additional material: code and data, slides.
Blogs scientifiques et recherche en SHS
Co-authored with Joël Gombin.
Presented at the Outils informatiques pour les historien(ne)s workshop, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 2010.
Additional material: links and notes (in French).
L’élection du 4 novembre 2008 et la marge de manœuvre du nouveau président américain
Published in Pouvoirs, 2009.
Data: exit polls (CNN, New York Times, 2008).
Comparaison inter-classements des revues en sociologie-démographie et en science politique
Published in Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique, 2008.
Data: classements pour la science politique, effectifs par rangs.
Un stigmate épistémologique. Le relativisme dans le strong programme de David Bloor, followed by Entretien avec David Bloor
Published in Tracés, 2007.
Interview translated from English to French by Marc Lenormand.
Republications: interview in Chinese, interview in English.